Monday, May 23, 2005


Spent maybe four months working on this ship. Back in my drinking days probably around 1991-92....I was down below in processing area flipping fish....working for % of catch and that averaged out to about seven bucks an hour. Back in the nineties the seafood industry was going so strong that the seafood companies were hiring guys right out of the missions. Forget what I was doing when I signed aboard Starbound. Might have been working at car wash might have been on the mats...I forget...
Fishing Area was up inthe Bering Sea. We would fly up to Dutch Harbor, Alaska and hook up with the ship there.
Nonsensicle shifts when processing....six hours on , six hours off and just to break our balls they would throw in something they called a kick shift. About every third six hour off period would be interrupted with a two hour shift in processing area........that never made sense to fact I checked the production figures with kickshift and without kickshift and there was no difference.
There was TV and VCR in the galley but there were only two movies...."Live and Let Die" and "A Fish Called Wanda".
Must have watched fish called wanda thirty times

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

take that! ....squiddly diddly!

and link to 28 seconds of the song "Good ship Lollipop"">
Have to republish and explain. Image and link sitting all by itself makes no sense.
I found this on was in one of the forums and it made no sense....
it made no sense until I checked the profile of person who posted
the person posting was a marine....
i thought..."now ...why would marine post image of Shirley temple with link to song "good ship lolllipop?"
was he trying to get rise out of the SQUIDS?

Monday, May 16, 2005

another favorite cat photo

Georgetown , Seattle: ferel cats Sep 2004 Posted by Hello

Had to post this picture again also.
Took this one with Olympus trip 35 I found at Goodwill thrift store in Seattle.paid three bucks. As simple a camera as it is I still had to find instruction manual on web

Saturday, May 14, 2005

My favorite cat photo

my favorite cat photo Posted by Hello
hungry ghost realm....interesting

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Pioneer Square in Seattle

Pioneer Square in Seattle,_Seattle,_Washington
 Posted by Hello

Georgetown in Seattle

This is in Georgetown neighborhood of Seattle Posted by Hello

Old Corvair

Old Corvair getting overgrown with blackberries and frequented by cats.
Taken in Georgetown neighborhood Seattle behind MC Club by RR tracks. Posted by Hello

Monday, May 09, 2005

U.S.C.G.C Dauntless



I spent four years aboard this ship...1983-1987 or thereabouts...
Homeport Miami Beach at that time.......
they in Galveston Texas now....drinking lone star beer and punching doggies

Miami Beach was kinda rough and seedy at that time....
bars like MACS CLUB DEUCE stayed open until five in the morning.....

And here is photo of Macs Club deuce on 14th between washington and collins
in miami beach...
when I was down there they got the first CD area....
see a good mix of people in this place....tourists, locals, they got thier daytime crowd ....and then they got a night time crowd....way into the night time crowd....
anyway ...there are only two places in Florida worth bothering with ...Miami Beach and Key West
here photo of macs

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Quotes from Pat Robertson

Quotes from Pat Robertson

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Mad Dogs and Englishmen

Mad Dogs and Englishmen

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

SAMMY APR 2005 Posted by Hello