the priesters
Yeah I remember the Priesters....Big George and Little George....
worked with them at Lexington Bottling works. Then there were the Dunlaps ...George Dunlap and his Old man....and George was always bitching about this and bitching about that and he would never say "motherfucker" he would say "motherFALCON"...each and every time time ....motherfalcon this and motherfalcon that....
He was a pain in the ass to work with.....the Priesters were way better.....
used to ride up to this beverage depot in Hackettstown....route 80 wasn't even finished yet.
Used to ride up there with little George....we would get there and start unloading truck and drinking a quick beer in between soda flavors....
Then after the truck was unloaded and while little George was in the office taking care of paperwork...i would sneak a couple of cases of beer under the tarp in front of that old truck....and off we would go....and it was always on Friday afternoon. Little George got me into bar in Clifton a couple of times...
I liked the Priesters...great guys to work with........criminal minds......kinda feel like the old man had been to joint...had dat evil eye like Captain Queeg in Jaws
Little George was really keen on the idea of stealing a whole bunch of soda and selling it to that guy in Paterson........close to little side street i remember as maggies allley....After selling soda to guy he wanted to roll truck so they couldn't count the bottles or something.
I didn't think it good idea and would not have gone along with.
Little George liked to frighten pedestrians by making truck backfire.
He scared some old Polish ladies...they thought he looked like the devil.