Sunday, September 04, 2005

cookies and tracking cookies

Yeah I heard of the things....know they had something to do with keeping track of something or other...thats how much I knew.
I have run one or two of those free trial anti virus programs even after having Norton Antivirus installed. Running a scan with these anti virus programs returned results that were in conflict with what Norton was telling me.
Norton...nothing detected in scan.
The free trial offer anti virus program tells me I got 67 adwares/objects onboard.
I could not figure the reason for the discrepancy but I am confident enough with NORTON ANTI VIRUS that I thought to myself....
"the free trial anti virus program must be throwing a number at me in order to rattle me....."
I figured it was a made up number.
Norton anti virus gives me info on the name of the adware(mainly)...Trojans don't get by Norton.
THE FREE TRIAL ANTI VIRUS program gives me nothing....just a number.
What the FREE ANTI VIRUS program reports is tracking cookies.(and I hope..real adwares etc.....)
Yahoo Anti-Spy detects tracking cookies but says they pose no security threat.
They even give name of who is doing the tracking.
I can delete if I choose but Yahoo anti-spy gives some caveat about user lease agreements. I was not alarmed. I have deleted them with no problem.
Anything that requires signing in and giving password...gotta go through that little drill........

here is link that provides clear description of cookies and what they do

Tracking cookies....sounds kinda sinister.....
but they ain't


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